Analyse the stability of the system by obtaining the phase crossover and gain crossover frequencies from the plot drawn.
The user interacts with the virtual lab through the web page which contains the necessary transfer function needed for calculations. The user is intended to have a thorough knowledge on the equations (formula) required for calculating the polar plot parameters required for drawing the bode plot. It is also mandatory for the user to apply those equations for the given system parameters and enter the same for verifying. The result of the calculation would be corner frequencies, gain and phase angle (either first order or second order system). User may also use the help option to have a better clarity on the doubts that arise during the conduction of experiments. Once after completing the calculation, the user would understand the procedural way of drawing the polarplot. User will gain knowledge on tracing the gain and phase crossover frequencies as well as gain and phase margin from the plot obtained. Also, how the stability of the system considered is? Is it stable or unstable? can also be knowing to the user. Thus the user can able to study the behavior of the system on the whole using bode plot./p>